Congratulations to Professor Tomi Mori, President of WNAR in 2018, who has received the prestigious Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Development of the IBS.
Professor Mori is the Chair and Member of the Department of Biostatistics at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Prior to January 2020, she was the Walter & Clara Brownfield Professor of Cancer Biostatistics at Oregon Health & Science University and Portland State University School of Public Health.
She has been a member of IBS since 1998 a long record of serving in leadership roles for WNAR and IBS, including serving as WNAR President-Elect, President, and Past-President between 2017-2019.
Among her many accomplishments, she has forged ongoing relationships between WNAR and the IBS Japanese and Argentinian Regions and with the Korean International Statistical Society. Due to her role as the ASA representative to the AAAS Medical Science Section she was a liaison between WNAR and AAAS and was instrumental in helping WNAR become a founding member of the Societies Consortium on Sexual Harassment in STEMM. She has made many contributions to making meetings more accessible and promoting participation in IBS.
Congratulations to Professor Mori!