Congratulations to WNAR President-Elect Gary Chan from University of Washington, Secretary-elect Jessica Minnier from Oregon Health Sciences University, Program, Coordinator Elizabeth Juarez-Colunga from University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, and Regional Committee Representatives Charlotte Gard from New Mexico State University and Julia Palacios from Standard University.
Special thanks go out to outgoing WNAR Past-President Katerina Kechris, outgoing Program Coordinator Dongseok Choi, and outgoing Regional Committee Representatives Ed Bedrick, Roy Mendelssohn, and Cristina Murray-Krezen for their efforts and dedication to WNAR.
In addition, the WNAR By-Laws proposed amendments were approved.
We would like to thank all the WNAR members who volunteered to be candidates for these offices. WNAR is fortunate to have so many talented members willing to dedicate their time and energy to WNAR, which makes each election a choice among outstanding individuals.