
  • 20 Dec 2019 9:53 AM | Megan Othus (Administrator)

    Congratulations to WNAR President-Elect Laura Cowen from University of Victoria, Secretary Megan Othus from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, and Regional Committee Representatives Lisa Brown from Seattle Genetics and Karen Messer from University of California San Diego.

    Special thanks go out to outgoing WNAR Past-President Tomi Mori and outgoing Regional Committee Representatives Marco Carone and Miguel Marino for their efforts and dedication to WNAR. 

    We would like to thank all the WNAR members who volunteered to be candidates for these offices. WNAR is fortunate to have so many talented members willing to dedicate their time and energy to WNAR, which makes each election a choice among outstanding individuals.

  • 05 Jul 2019 2:03 PM | Megan Othus (Administrator)

    Thirty-eight students participated in the student paper competition at the 2019 WNAR/IMS/JR conference. The winner in the written category was Tiffany Tang, University of California Berkeley (“Integrated Principal Components Analysis “). There were three winners (tied) in the oral category: Natalie Gasca, University of Washington (“Using dimension-reduction methods to identify interpretable diet patterns related to body mass index (BMI) in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)”), Evan Rosenman, Stanford University (“Propensity Score Methods for Merging Observational and Experimental Datasets”), and Justin Williams, University of California, Los Angeles (“Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Truncated Normal Distribution with Censored Data”). The students received their award at the conference banquet. We give a special thanks to the chair of the student paper competition, Jessica Minnier from Oregon Health Sciences University.  

  • 21 Dec 2018 1:23 PM | Megan Othus (Administrator)

    Congratulations to WNAR President-Elect Ying Lu from Stanford University, Treasurer-Elect Brandie Wagner from University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Treasurer Mary Redman from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Program Coordinator Dongseok Choi from Oregon Health Sciences University, and Regional Committee Representative Katie Kerr from University of Washington.

    Special thanks go out to outgoing WNAR Past-President Sarah Emerson and outgoing Regional Committee Representative Xioaming Sheng for their efforts and dedication to WNAR. 

    We would like to thank all the WNAR members who volunteered to be candidates for these offices. WNAR is fortunate to have so many talented members willing to dedicate their time and energy to WNAR, which makes each election a choice among outstanding individuals.

  • 27 Jun 2018 10:44 AM | Megan Othus (Administrator)

    Congratulations to the winners of 2018 WNAR student paper competition. The Most Outstanding Written Paper winners (tied) were Anu Mishra from the University of Washington for her paper “Weighted Recalibration for Improved Clinical Utility of Risk Scores” and Katherine Wilson from the University of Washington for her paper “Child Mortality Estimation Incorporating Birth History Data.” The Most Outstanding Oral Presentation winner was Phuong Vu from University of Washington for presentation “Probabilistic Predictive Principal Components Analysis for Spatially Misaligned and High-Dimensional Air Pollution Data with Missing Observations.” The Distinguished Oral Presentation winner was Kelsey Grinde from the University of Washington for her presentation “Controlling for Multiple Testing in Genome-Wide Admixture Mapping Studies. The students received their award at the conference banquet.

    We give a special thanks to the chair of the student paper competition, Jessica Minnier from Oregon Health Sciences University. We also thank the team of student paper reviewers and judges for the students’ oral presentations and papers: Harold Bae from Oregon State University, Charlotte Gard from New Mexico State University, Katerina Kechris from University of Colorado Anschultz Medical Campus, Miguel Marino from Oregon Health Science University, and Byung Park from Oregon Health Sciences University.  

  • 18 Jul 2016 4:13 PM | Susanne May

    Congratulations to all 2016 WNAR Student Paper Competition participants for their excellent submissions: Anna Liza Antonio (University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)), Adam Brand (University of Washington (UW)), Peter DeWitt (University of Colorado Denver), Jonathan Fintzi (UW), Luella Fu (University of Southern California), Joshua Keller (UW), Kai Li (Oregon State University), Qian Li (UCLA), Amit Meir (UW), Aaron Scheffler (UCLA), Arjun Sondhi (UW), Yifei Wang (University of California Davis), Jason Xu (UW), Tingting Yu (University of British Columbia), Qian Zhang (UW).

    The runner-ups for the written and oral parts are Joshua Keller and Peter DeWitt respectively.

    The winners for the written and oral competitions are Aaron Scheffler and Jonathan Fintzi respectively.


  • 12 May 2016 5:44 PM | Catherine Crespi

    WNAR is excited to be sponsoring 12 invited sessions at the 2016 IBS/WNAR conference in Victoria, BC, Canada, July 10-15, 2016.  The sessions cover a broad range of topics.  Find a list here.

  • 14 Mar 2016 6:22 AM | Susanne May

    Regular registration for the 2016 IBS/WNAR conference in beautiful Victoria, BC, Canada is available until June 1, 2016.  Prices increase after that!  Click here to register.

  • 14 Mar 2016 6:18 AM | Susanne May

    See Student Competition tab for further details regarding the WNAR student paper competition for the 2016 IBS / WNAR conference in Victoria, Canada, July 10-15, 2016.

  • 10 Mar 2016 2:40 PM | Catherine Crespi

    Nominations are open for the first International Prize in Statistics, to be awarded at the ISI World Statistics Congress in Marrakech in July, 2017.

    The purpose of the Prize is to call public attention to the important role that statistics, data analysis, probability, and understanding of uncertainty have played and are playing in the advancement of society, science, technology and human welfare. The Prize was created by five international statistical societies (American Statistical AssociationInternational Biometric SocietyInternational Statistical InstituteInstitute of Mathematical StatisticsRoyal Statistical Society).

    Nominations are open through August 15, 2016.  The first International Prize in Statistics recipient will be announced in October, 2016, and will be honored during a special ceremony in Marrakech in 2017.  The Prize will carry with it a cash award of at least $75,000.

    An international prize recognizing excellence in statistics has been a dream for many people for many decades, and the International Prize in Statistics Foundation is thrilled to be making this long-awaited prize a reality.  Please spread the word through your networks, especially via social media.  We need to make sure we receive outstanding nominations for the Prize.

    Questions may be directed to Susan Ellenberg ( or Ron Wasserstein (

  • 28 Dec 2015 11:24 AM | Catherine Crespi

    Submission of abstracts for contributed papers for IBC 2016 is now open until January 24, 2016.  More information is available here.

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